Foam It
- Put on gloves.
- Shake the can thoroughly to activate the foam before each squirt.
- To dispense foam, hold the can at a 45-degree angle with nozzle pointing into palm of one hand. Press the button. Dispense a golf ball size dollop of foam.

Apply It
- Massage foam into your hair using your hands or the comb provided.
- Apply as many golf ball size dollops of foam as you need to cover your hair thoroughly. Thick layers of foam are needed for the foam to work properly.
- Be sure to remove any foam from exposed skin or hands immediately to prevent staining.
CAUTION: do not use dye on eyebrows, eyelashes, or pubic areas.

Wait For It
- Start timing after you have completed applying the foam:
- First-timers should allow the dye foam to stay on the hair for 10-15 minutes.
- Experienced dyers who want more coverage may need to leave dye on hair for 15-20 minutes.
- The white foam will turn dark during the process. Don’t freak out. This means the product is working properly. It won’t look so dark after you rinse it off.

Wash It
- Rinse dye out thoroughly with water only. Continue to rinse until the water runs clear.
- Use the Dye Removal Wipes to remove any visible stains on skin.
- CAUTION: Do not get any dye in your eyes.

Own It
- Each can of True Sons can be used for multiple applications and will last about a month, depending on how frequently you dye. Most guys use True Sons hair dye foam weekly to maintain consistent, natural-looking color.
- Want more gray coverage? You can dye again the same day.
* Dispense a small amount of product from each aerosol can. Store upright in a dry, cool, and well ventilated place. Discard remaining product after 6 months.